2020 Volume 8 Issue 1
Creative Commons License

The Evaluation of Two Different Methods of Acrylic Resin Polymerization

Edit Xhajanka, Neada Hysenaj, Merita Bardhoshi, Koço Gjilo

Background. During the polymerization and processing procedures of heat-polymerization, polymethyl methacrylate shrinkage of acrylic resin has been noticed. The purpose of the study was to compare two methods of polymerization of acrylic resin: compression molding and injection molding technique.

Materials and methods. 167 patients who needed removable denture treatment were examined. Among them, the patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected to be part of our study. Two types of complete dentures were constructed: The first group of dentures was constructed with the compression molding technique, while the second group of dentures was constructed with the injection molding technique. The first group of dentures was delivered to the patients. They were left for a month, a period during which we made follow up visits each week. The same procedure was followed for the second group. At the end of the first month, the patients fulfilled a questionnaire, assessing OHRQoL. The answers were also clinically evaluated.

Results. The data were collected and the statistical evaluation of the data was accomplished. Based on the results, it was observed that there was a statistically significant improvement in OHRQoL regarding the dentures constructed with injection molding technique.

Conclusion. Within the limitation of this study, it can be concluded that the resin injection molding technique showed greater advantages compared to the compression molding technique‎.

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Issue 2 Volume 13 - 2025