2022 Volume 10 Issue 4
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Influence of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Color, Opacity, and Fluorescence of Composite Resins: A Systematic Review

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The clinical effectiveness of restorative materials depends on their ability to mimic the color and transparency of natural teeth. Accordingly, it is vital to understand the influence of bleaching chemicals on the color and translucency of resin composites. Bleaching chemicals may be administered to the teeth in a dental clinic under expert supervision or at home by patients. A systematic literature review from 2010 to 2022 was performed using PubMed, Medline, and ScienceDirect databases. The keywords used were "hydrogen peroxide," "composite resins," and "bleaching." In addition, the PRISMA flowchart was used to describe the selection process of searched articles. The Cochrane risk of bias assessment method was used to assess the quality of the studies. A total of nine studies were included in this review, with six of them stating no significant change in the color, opacity, and fluorescence of composite restorations. The majority of the studies revealed no significant change in the color or fluorescence of composite restorations after being exposed to different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Therefore hydrogen peroxide can be safely used among patients with composite restorations.

How to cite this article
Almutairi NM, Almotairiy BM, Alodib AA, Aldossari MA, Albabtain MO, Al-Dobaian BS, et al. Influence of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Color, Opacity, and Fluorescence of Composite Resins: A Systematic Review. Ann Dent Spec. 2022;10(4):76-83. https://doi.org/10.51847/O1TNWK3cco
Almutairi, N. M., Almotairiy, B. M., Alodib, A. A., Aldossari, M. A., Albabtain, M. O., Al-Dobaian, B. S., Marir, N. T., AlJurayyad, M. J., Jeleudan, W. S., & Alasiri, M. S. (2022). Influence of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Color, Opacity, and Fluorescence of Composite Resins: A Systematic Review. Annals of Dental Specialty, 10(4), 76-83. https://doi.org/10.51847/O1TNWK3cco
Issue 2 Volume 13 - 2025