In dentistry, glass ionomer cement, or GICs, is used for a wide range of purposes. To improve upon glass ionomers' poor mechanical performance, many tweaks to traditional GICs have been implemented. The system, modification, or material size in the region of 1-100 nm is often used in nanotechnology. Reducing the size of the glass particles and adding nano-sized bioceramics to the glass powder are two ways to nano-modify traditional GICs and resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGICs). Searches of PubMed were conducted to learn more about the antibacterial characteristics of various restorative materials. To evaluate the antibacterial qualities of common filler materials, certain keywords were selected. Also discussed were techniques for incorporating antibacterial agents into restorative materials and methods for measuring their efficacy. According to research, the mechanical and bonding capabilities of commercially available nano-filled RMGIC are not noticeably better than those of standard RMGIC. Stopping the development of caries lesions by histological remineralization is a huge advantage. In this article, we examine the research on the antibacterial characteristics of dental filling materials.