2020 Volume 8 Issue 4
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Difficulties Concerning Endodontic Non-Surgical Root Canal Treatment Steps In Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

Ayman O. Mandorah, Mohammed A. Aljohani, Ghaida’a A. Moria, Moayad F. Sheayria, Mohammed F Alsulami, Khames T. Alzahrani

Introduction: Root canal treatment (RCT) is a procedure that is made through phases even more scrupulous yet one of the most challenging procedures. Even more formidable for undergraduate students who are in dental practice. Therefore, a questionnaire is conducted to determine significant procedural difficulties and challenges encountered by undergraduates during endodontic root canal treatment.

Methods: This was an observational cross-sectional study based on web-survey questionnaires developed by the authors with high confidence. The sample size was 409 estimated using the Qualtrics calculator with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%. The questionnaire is divided into sections, evaluating the difficulties they’re facing during the treatment starting from diagnosis to obturation. Data were collected using Google forms and prepared for analysis using Microsoft Excel. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS software.

Results: A total of 409 participants responded, (57.9%) of undergraduates and interns had difficulties during the access cavity step. And (61.9%) of participants had difficulties to locate the canal orifice, while most of the participants did not report any issues; in particular, in the cleaning and shaping step (86.3%) and in performing local anesthesia (85.1%).

Conclusion: In conclusion, we identify and understand difficulties during root canal treatment, the majority of participants had difficulties to locate the canal orifice, and during the access cavity.

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Issue 2 Volume 13 - 2025