2019 Volume 7 Issue 4
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Comparative Study of Titanium Micro Plates Versus Bioresorbable Plates In The Osteosynthesis of Isolated Zygomatic Bone Fractures

Rizwan Arshad, Muhammad Muddassar, Maria Rabbani, Shakeel Ahmed, Adil Umar Durrani, Faiza Gulfam

Background/objective: Osteosynthesis is a popular way of treating facial hard tissue injuries since the late fifties. However, the introduction of bioresorbable material opens the new horizon of discussion about the efficacy of the various materials in the medical world. The purpose of this study was to compare two different materials, titanium and poly L(L/D)Lactide acid, in terms of the clinical efficacy and the incidence of postoperative complications.

Material and Methods: All 50 patients of zygoma fracture were divided into two groups, i.e.; with Titanium osteosynthesis at zygomaticofrontal suture site and zygomaticomaxillary suture site and the experimental group with bioresorbable osteosynthesis at above-mentioned sites. Each group comprised of 25 patients equally. The pre- and post-operative osseous alignment, aesthetics, paresthesia, limited mouth opening, and infection were noted in the follow-up visits after 24 hours,72 hours, one week, and three weeks periods postoperatively.

Results: After twenty-four hours of the time period, 4% of patients treated with bioresorbable plates were reported with infection postoperatively. Whereas after a three-day interval 16% of the patients developed an infection after the treatment, 8% each in both titanium and bioresorbable plates groups. 4% of cases treated with resorbable plates were reported with infection at 24 hours postoperatively. There were cases (16%) that exhibited a more or less level of infection after three days (8% from titanium and 8% more from resorbable plates). Osseous mal-alignment was observed postoperatively (8% in titanium and 4% in bioresorbable groups). The sensory disturbance was noted in 16% of the cases in total, 12% in the titanium group and 4% in bioresorbable plate groups. In total, in 6% of the cases hardware was removed, and in 94% no hardware was removed. The titanium implant plates were withdrawn in 8% of cases in group A. Similarly, bioresorbable implant plates were removed in 4% of the cases in Group B.

Conclusion: Results from this study revealed comprehensive support to use resorbable plates in terms of good mouth opening and less hypoesthesia as compared to titanium plates‎.

Issue 2 Volume 13 - 2025