2023 Volume 11 Issue 3
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Comparative Study of Color Stability Between Sdr Flow Material and Packable Composite Using Easy-Shade Device

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Color stability has therefore been considered as one of the most important factors when selecting composite resin materials for aesthetic restorations. Over the past decade, SDR flow+ has become a popular aesthetic restoration for posterior teeth, and discoloration is one of its main features. Bulk-fill resin composites have gained popularity in recent years thanks to their improved depth of cure. This randomized control trial included 40 disks (20 SDR®️ flow+ Bulk Fill Flowable and 20 3M™️ Filtek™️ Z250 Universal, bulk fill composite restoration) that will be prepared in 8x8 mm plastic molds divided into 2 groups. The paired sample t-test shows a p-value less than .05, which means there is a statistically significant difference between the color stability of the two materials. However, SDR showed greater stability in tea, whereas bulk-fill in coffee. SDR is much more stable when exposed to tea, whereas bulk fill is stable under coffee. Both SDR and bulk fill composites are susceptible to shade change significantly.

How to cite this article
Albouni R, Alnooh S, Ramadan S, Ragheb S, Quadri H. Comparative Study of Color Stability Between Sdr Flow Material and Packable Composite Using Easy-Shade Device. Ann Dent Spec. 2023;11(3):94-9. https://doi.org/10.51847/FXs8fyUCBY
Albouni, R., Alnooh, S., Ramadan, S., Ragheb, S., & Quadri, H. (2023). Comparative Study of Color Stability Between Sdr Flow Material and Packable Composite Using Easy-Shade Device. Annals of Dental Specialty, 11(3), 94-99. https://doi.org/10.51847/FXs8fyUCBY
Issue 2 Volume 13 - 2025