2023 Volume 11 Issue 3
Creative Commons License

A Review of Interventions to Improve Oral and Dental Health in Children

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Oral and dental health education is helpful in primary health services and screening. Therefore, choosing an effective educational method to transfer health knowledge and skills is essential. Oral health behaviors in children are significant because of their consequences on health. The present study evaluated the type and success rate of oral health promotion interventions in children. The review of the studies showed that the interventions were carried out in the form of educational programs with follow-up sessions, examinations, and preventive services in different periods, and the variables measured in them included awareness, attitude, belief, and performance in the field of oral health care. In addition, teeth were the components of the health belief model and the tooth decay index, all of which had statistically significantly improved among the test group participants after the educational intervention. According to the review of interventions and the evaluation of their results, teaching parents oral and dental health-promoting behaviors and providing preventive services in the short term positively affects children's oral and dental health. It also seems that interventions based on theories and models of behavior change can be considered an effective method for improving oral and dental health performance. Feedback-based training effectively enhanced children's oral health, self-care, and self-efficacy indicators. It is suggested to use this model as a community-oriented approach to improve self-care behaviors and oral health indicators.

How to cite this article
Pogan MD, Domocos D, Szilagyi A. A Review of Interventions to Improve Oral and Dental Health in Children. Ann Dent Spec. 2023;11(3):77-81. https://doi.org/10.51847/EszRoDFrTT
Pogan, M. D., Domocos, D., & Szilagyi, A. (2023). A Review of Interventions to Improve Oral and Dental Health in Children. Annals of Dental Specialty, 11(3), 77-81. https://doi.org/10.51847/EszRoDFrTT
Issue 2 Volume 13 - 2025