%0 Journal Article %T Outcomes of Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy by Undergraduate Dental Students at King Saud University, A Longitudinal Study %A Aljoharah Abdullah Alsinaidi %J Annals of Dental Specialty %@ 2347-2022 %D 2021 %V 9 %N 2 %R 10.51847/2LN9yazfKF %P 22-26 %X This study aimed to assess the outcomes of nonsurgical therapy of chronic periodontitis patients performed by undergraduate dental students at King Saud University. Subjects who were >18 years old and had severe or moderate chronic periodontitis were eligible for the study. 33 patients constituted the study sample and received nonsurgical periodontal therapy by undergraduate students who were supervised by experienced periodontists. At reevaluation and maintenance visits, the mean values of plaque and gingival bleeding indices were significantly improved (PI; p < 0.01, BOP; p < 0.001), the mean number of teeth and tooth sites with probing pocket depth %U https://annalsofdentalspecialty.net.in/article/outcomes-of-nonsurgical-periodontal-therapy-by-undergraduate-dental-students-at-king-saud-university-abdf9uaaokzkhsi